Career Coaching

How I can help you

I have an extensive experience from recruitment and talent acquisition from companies representing different industries and sizes. Through being on the hiring company’s side of the table I know what organizations are looking for when they select a new employee. Having screened and interviewed hundreds of candidates I know how the selection process and the interviewing situation typically goes and what are some things to highlight about yourself in the interviewing situation.

I can help you to ace the interview and make a lasting impression to hiring manager. Through my support your chances of being selected will be significantly higher and you will feel much more confident throughout the recruitment process.

Through my coaching skills I can help you clarify your career goals, stay on track of the job search process and overcoming obstacles. I can help you uncover your strengths and define your interests, so you feel more satisfied and fulfilled in your professional life.

I am a member of the International Coaching Federation. I am dedicated to upholding high professional standards and ethical principles in my coaching work.

  • Are you feeling like your career has been a series of coincidences, leaving you unfulfilled and yearning for more? It's time to discover your true purpose and work towards something meaningful. Career coaching can be your compass on this journey. Let's explore your values and interests to uncover what truly matters to you, setting the stage for a more satisfying and purposeful career. Your work should matter, and I'm here to help you make it enjoyable.

    Are you an expatriate facing the daunting challenge of job searching in a new country? Perhaps you were a respected professional in your home country with a stable network and client base. Now, you're in unfamiliar territory, and the path forward seems unclear. I can assist you in creating a strategic plan, identifying your transferable skills, and navigating this transition with confidence. Let's work together to unlock new opportunities and reestablish your professional presence in your new environment.

  • For every job role there is a set of skills one must master to be successful. Sometimes finding the new role can be easier if you have a clear view what you already can do and on the other hand, where you still need more improvement. I can help you create a personal development plan and clarify what areas you need to concentrate on to make you candidate organizations don’t want to lose.

  • For many of us resume is a document that was created for job search and perhaps it has not been updated in years. Then there comes a time when you need to look for a job again. It can feel daunting to start. It can feel difficult to highlight what are your key skills and how to stand out from the crowd. I can help you create or update your resume so it will attract hiring organizations and becomes a showcase of your professional skills and persona. LinkedIn profile is also a key element in any professional encounters nowadays. I can help you create or update your online profile which makes it easier to network effectively.

  • Preparing for job interviews is exciting but can also be quite time and energy consuming. You want to ensure that you can leave a lasting impression to the recruiting manager and get selected to the position. The best way to prepare for an interview is to practice the situation beforehand with someone. I have conducted hundreds of job interviews during my career. Through that knowledge I can help you do mock interviews and give you feedback so you can be well prepared for the actual event. I can offer you advice and strategies how to improve your performance during the interview process.